Bala's fast progressing ‘Avan Ivan’ will have an added highlight. The film starring Vishal and Arya is a quickie in the scale of Bala and is fast progressing. The film will be complete in next few months, promises Bala. Meanwhile to add that special glitter to the film Bala approached Suriya and asked him to do a guest role in the film. A delighted Suriya agreed and the role is said to appear towards the climax. It may be remembered that Bala actually planned this film having Suriya and his brother Karthi in mind. But when both of them expressed their inability to do the film owing to non-availability of suitable dates Bala went ahead and signed Vishal and Arya. Bala and Suriya share a special relationship like that of a brother-brother. It was Bala who nurtured Suriya in his early years by casting him in quality films like ‘Nanda’ and ‘Pithamagan’ and brought out his talents which took him to superstardom.